Wednesday, April 22, 2009

On a lighter note

Because sometimes we just have to laugh. Some tickle my funny bone more than others, but as has been pointed out on other blogs humor can reach and educate some more than others, take note of the mister housing bubble 2/3 of the way down, great stuff.

Housing related Suicides

ABC news had a couple of different articles highlighting recent suicides that are related to housing issues and the economic crisis as a whole. Last night the acting chief financial officer for Freddie Mac committed suicide by hanging himself in his basement. I, like many others, believe there was a great deal of deceit and unethical behavior by the up and ups in Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae, but I wouldn't want to see them committing suicide. Some might see it as a sign of guilt, perhaps this man felt the company and situation was beyond repair. If he has a family I wish them the best.

ABC also had an article detailing foreclosure related suicides. With financial woes comes increased levels of depression and suicide.

I reiterate what I noted on my post detailing the additional costs of foreclosure....while we are trying to "fix" the market we need to be providing additional resources to help those impacted by it. Failure to do so could prove costly in the long run, not because it is our fault they committed suicide, but because I honestly believe we lost something because they did.

I have an extended family member who committed suicide many years ago over financial issues. I wouldn't wish it on any family.